How to Choose an Electrician

How To Choose An Electrician

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When you need electrical work done around the house or for a commercial project, it is essential to pick a good electrician to ensure quality work. Ensuring quality work will make sure you don’t run into costly mistakes and major time setbacks. Here are some tips to guarantee you pick a quality electrician.

Look for a licensed and insured electrician

Electricians that are licensed means that they have gone through rigorous training including courses and practical work. Therefore, the first question you need to ask is to see their license. But it doesn’t end there. You want to do some further verification and research. For example, make sure the license is current and covers the work you need to be done. Online you may want to check the authenticity of their license. Making sure the electrician is insured is a good idea also. This covers any mistakes and accidents that occurs on the job.

Consider recommendations, references, and reviews.

Having a recommendation from a loved one can be valuable to the process. Ask your friends, family, and neighbors if they know a reputable electrician. If they do you can ask them about their experience with them. If you don’t find anyone with a recommendation, you can always ask the electrician for references. Many times electricians will give you the references’s contact information if you want to go further with verification. Also, with the internet, it is easier than ever to get reviews. Recommendations, references, and reviews all provide valuable insight.

Ask about their qualifications

Every electrician has different qualifications and accreditations. The highest qualification in this field is “Master Electrician”. This standard guarantees that the individual has at least three years of experience and offers a year warranty on their work. There are also a variety of accreditations. An example of an accreditation is energy-efficiency. This topic is becoming increasingly important to homeowners and business owners. Someone with this accreditation will be very knowledgeable in energy saving products and installation.

Get multiple quotes

Many electrical firms offer free quotes. Therefore, to get the best buck for your money, get multiple quotes from different companies. There is no such thing as having too many quotes. If anything, this will make your decision easier. When asking for a quote, make sure you are very specific on what you need to be done and what materials you want to use. This is crucial to receive an accurate quote that isn’t dramatically altered later. Asking for a breakdown on the quote is wise and makes comparing easier. Some questions to ask when looking for quotes are if they charge by the hour and if materials are included in costs.

Seek guarantees and warranties

It would be a nightmare if you hired an electrician to do work and later something goes wrong. The good news is that many electricians offer customer service by offering warranties on the work they finish, in case something goes wrong. Many electricians also have satisfaction guarantees, meaning that if you as the customer aren’t satisfied, the work will be corrected.

Licensed Electricians In Orlando, Florida

Are you looking for a licensed and insured electrician in Orlando? Palmer Electric offers the electrical experience to complete your project large or small. For over 65 years Palmer Electric has been focused on providing safe, quality and reliable service.  Our proficiency paired with our stellar conduct and customer service has earned us an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and an impeccable reputation within the community. Contact us now to get a free quote.

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