How To Lower Your Electric Bill

how to lower electric bill

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Did you know that tomorrow is National Cut Your Energy Costs Day? Here in Central Florida, we’re enjoying cooler temperatures and lower electric bills this month. However, during January, our friends and family in chillier states are struggling to save on electric bills while keeping warm. To observe this national day, we are giving you some tips to help make your January electric bill the lowest it’s ever been, and to keep it low as we roll into the hot summer months.

In this article, we’ll cover three important strategies for a lower electric bill, as well as general tips and simple things you can do around the home that will have a big impact.

How Can I Reduce My AC Electricity Bill?

Winter in Florida is the perfect time to enjoy an all-time low electricity bill. Here are some tips that will help you save in the winter and summer, as well as some heating tricks for our cold-weather friends.

  1. During the winter, set your thermostat to the lowest temperature that you can comfortably tolerate. On cool days, for example, turn your thermostat off while you’re not home. When you get home, setting the heat to kick on at 60 degrees will allow you to sail through most of Central Florida’s winter using zero electricity on AC and heating. Pulling out the cool weather sweaters and piling on extra blankets will allow you to fall far below your average electric bill.
  2. Summer in Florida is another story. Find the highest temperature that you can comfortably tolerate after adding ceiling fans and stand-alone fans in your home.
  3. Keep your cooling system clean and maintained. It is very important to change your air filter regularly during hot summer months.
  4. During the summer, avoid using the oven to cook during the hottest part of the day. Cook with a grill, prepare cold cuts and salads, or use the microwave to keep the house cooler.
  5. Make use of cool mist systems, cooler showers, and cross ventilation for some traditional ways of weathering the hot months with minimal electricity bill costs.
  6. In colder states, some tips for trapping heat during the winter include:
    • Fix leaks in your home and add insulation instead of using energy-draining space heaters.
    • Keep radiators and vents clear.
    • Circulate warm air with fans.
    • Keep windows securely covered for extra insulation.
    • Seal your chimney flue when not in use. (Remember to open during use.)

Does Unplugging Things Save Energy?

Some appliances drain more energy than others while not in use, but over the course of a year consistently unplugging your appliances will add up to savings on your electric bill. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that unplugging appliances can save $100-$200 over the course of the year. Your computer, for example, costs you about $20 in wasted energy costs if you leave it plugged in all year. Phone charges, coffee pots, and other small appliances also take smaller tolls that add up.

While it’s difficult to reach behind desks, entertainment centers, and other furniture to unplug appliances when not in use, connecting your appliances to a power strip can make it easy to stop the energy drain. You also protect your appliances against an electric surge at the same time.

Signs Your House Needs Rewiring

If the wiring in your house is old, unplugging your appliances and cutting down on consumption may not be enough to reduce a hefty electric bill. In addition to cutting electricity costs, rewiring your home is important to your safety. According to the according to the U.S. Fire Administration, an average of 25,900 electrical in the U.S. each year cause an estimated 280 deaths, as well as 1,125 injuries and $1.1 billion in property loss.

Some common signs that it’s time to rewire your house include:

  • The house is more than 40 years old and wiring has not been replaced
  • Appliances spark when you plug them into an outlet
  • Flickering lights
  • Frequently tripped circuits
  • Use of extension cords to power the home
  • Smell of burning plastic coming from the outlets
  • Electric shock when you plug in an appliance or touch the cord
  • Two-pronged outlets with no ground wire, or other outdated wiring

Additional Tips For A Lower Electric Bill

The National Days Calendar also provides these additional simple tips and bigger home projects that will provide savings for National Cut Your Energy Costs Day:

  • Weatherproof your home.
  • Replace old windows with new energy-efficient windows.
  • Replace old furnace with new energy-efficient furnace.
  • Properly maintain furnace.
  • Use solar heat if possible.
  • Turn off lights when leaving a room.
  • Use energy-efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs.
  • Run dishwasher and washing machine only when fully loaded.
  • Lower water heater temperature.

Licensed Electrician in Orlando, FL

Do you need help lowering your electric bill? Turn to the Electricians at Palmer Electric like homeowners and business owners have done for Electrical Upgrades since 1951. Our Licensed Electricians can complete a home inspection to identify appliances and wiring issues that are causing your energy costs to exceed the average electric bill. Visit our contact page or call us for a free quote to rely on the professionals.

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